Dave Cuomo - Blinding Darkness

“I love this creation myth because it’s such a moral story, but also not at all. Even if you spend your entire time here screwing up and getting sent to hell, that’s just going to help us all learn and find our way out of this suffering universe in the end anyway. So, thanks for your efforts.” - Dave Cuomo

Dave gives us an in depth look into the Buddhist creation myth. it's the question Buddha famously  refused to answer (except of course for when he changed his mind). It's a beginning in an ending and a story with no beginning and no ending. It's a story of nothing that confused itself for something, and was cursed to wander for endless kalpas trying to forget that one pesky thought. What the hell are we talking about?? We're talking about the story of everything! No one said it was going to be simple, but it's a good yarn and the sangha goes all in and laughs along with the ridiculousness of life, the universe, and everything, because in the end, what else can you do?