Your existence is a generosity!
(but we also need to keep the lights on)
Thank you for your kind donations! We are entirely donor supported and depend on you to be able to keep the center open as well as provide digital content. Los Angeles is not a cheap place to operate and we run a consistent budget shortfall, so every dollar helps. The best way to support us is to become a recurring contributor, although one time donations for single sessions or podcast episodes are just as needed and appreciated.
If you would like to send in a check, please make payable to Dogen Sangha Los Angeles (DSLA is fine), and mail to ACZC - 2526 Kent St - Los Angeles, CA 90026
Suggested Donations:
Local Membership
$40 - 80 per month
Virtual Membership
$20 - 40 per month
Weekly Podcast Donation
$5 - 10 per month
One Time Regular Event
$10 - 15
(Custom recurring donation amounts can be set here as well)
All donations are on a recommended sliding scale basis. If you can afford to donate more it helps allow others of lesser means attend at the level they can afford.
Dogen Sangha Los Angeles is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and all donations are tax deductible.