Michele Roldan-Shaw - Street Buddhism (Jataka Tales)

“This is street buddhism… There’s no right or wrong. Sometimes there is no good option  Sometimes your’e backed into a corner and just have to live with the results or do nothing at all.” - Michele-Roldan-Shaw

Michele Roldan-Shaw spins classic Jataka Tales (folk tales of the Buddha's past lives) for us with all their ambiguities, tough love, and hard choices. We get to meet sea spirits, unruly crows, guilt ridden partridges, and yes a renunciant hermit disappointing his parents, all running around out there trying to figure out how to be decent beings in a world that rarely wants to make that easy for us.

You can check our more of Michele's work at - https://www.micheleroldanshaw.com.

And our own Brad Warner posted a video about the stories and this talk up here! - https://youtu.be/SHOHnzQl9xg